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I Love Missing Church!

Before you get all up in arms or withdraw your support, let me clarify...

Justin and I have visited a number of local churches over the last several months to share about Treefort. We've been to

churches with chairs & churches with pews,

churches with stained glass windows & churches with no building to call their own,

churches that served donuts & those that did not (I like the donut churches better, by the way!)

churches who worship with electric guitars & churches who worshipped with organs and handbells.

It's been a beautiful mix. It's been a great reminder that we worship one God in so many different ways and He meets us in each of those places and each of those ways.

We've met many people, many very nice people....and we've had many of these very nice people express their support for Treefort in so many ways. Some have offered prayers, others have helped us continue to expand our network by connecting us with other people. Some have written us a one-time check, others have begun to support us monthly. Some have completed an application for the job of Treefort Parents, others have offered to make available their time and talents when we need them.